“ Glocalization”?那是什么?全球,本地和卫生政策研究


I don’t do ‘global health research’. But, I do have concern for those people in the world who might not have access to the resources they need to live healthy, happy lives. So how can I make an impact on global health?





Glocalizationwas popularized by the work of sociologist罗兰·罗伯逊(Roland Robertson),他追溯了它的根源(在牛津新词词典)从日本商业角度来看,强调“适合当地条件的全球前景”。Glocalization观点的关键点是,即使是我们最本地的做事方式,也越来越多地由最全球的社会和经济趋势共同构成。



在当前在印刷中的文章中英国妇产科杂志,,,,Tikki Pang教授新加坡国立大学概述了继续致力于实现全球的关键研究重点Millennium Development Goals与妇女健康有关。

没有放弃这一切,这些优先事项包括de (a) involving women and minorities in health research to expand the relevance of health research for these groups, and (b) broadening our perspectives on ‘women’s health’ to include the social conditions that support healthy living. These are two very concrete, very specific things that所有研究人员都可以做帮助实现全球健康的目标。

These suggestions reflect the recognition that the continuous flow of people, economic capital, and cultural ideas between the global north and the global south permeate the research we all do. By broadening our perspectives on what constitutes health, and including women and minorities in our research, we can focus on the people and ideas that drive this ‘global flow’. In so doing, we can help to achieve the goals of ‘global health’.

As Professor Tikki Pang suggests in his article, “knowledge is the foundation for future progress.” We can all be a part of developing this knowledge in ways that are relevant and meaningful for a truly global audience, whatever the primary focus of our health-related research may be.

随着第一次年度卫生服务研究会议迅速接触(2014年7月1日),我计划进一步考虑如何参与全球卫生。希望我有机会与包括Tikki Pang教授在内的众多全球卫生领袖之一进行交谈。这些对话激发了像我这样的年轻研究人员的新领域。

同时,我将考虑从这个博客中学习的关键学习:在“ glocalized World”中,每个研究人员都可以以一种或另一种方式在全球回荡。

您可以在Twitter上关注Jay:@jayshaw29他将在推文中直播生物中央卫生服务研究会议in July using the hashtag #HSRconf2014.

