
在这篇博客文章中,研究人员劳伦斯·林恩(Lawrence Lynn)博士讨论了他和他的团队向白宫埃博拉病毒响应会议展示的工具。在手术中发表的患者安全性的发现表明,如何在埃博拉病人患者中如何快速为败血症综合征施用潜在的治疗。

lynn我的研究团队正在开发研究工具the complex relational time patterns and motion images of data sets from disease states and conditions such as sepsis. In November 2014, we were asked by the MD PnP group to give a presentation for the White House Ebola response team on a new type of software which generates motion images of disease. While I have seen many motion images of many different diseases, it did not take long to see that the reanimated motion images of Ebola virus infection are quite unique.

Ebola virus commonly produces an indolent viral syndrome with fever, vomiting, sore throat, headache and diarrhea. Although blood tests may indicate damage to cells of the liver or other organs, there may be few or no other abnormal laboratory findings, other than those explained by simple dehydration.

In some cases, the viral syndrome is interrupted by a feared “Ebola sepsis-like syndrome” which progresses rapidly and is often fatal. Presently this Ebola sepsis-like syndrome is thought to represent an “out of control” immune response to the Ebola virus and its antigens.

When studying time-lapsed animations, I noted that while the viral syndrome progressed as viral load increased there was a marked disparity between the rise and peak of viral load and the Ebola sepsis-like syndrome. Some did not develop the sepsis-like syndrome at all, despite high viral loads.





The theory that bacteria or endotoxin may translocate into the blood during severe sepsis is well-established. However, the pattern I was seeing was different. These subjects were not experiencing severe sepsis, only an indolent viral syndrome. Then they exhibited a clinical picture identical with bacterial sepsis, as if a “dam” holding back bacterial antigen had been suddenly breached.

Infection of human intestines is a successful trick of many pathogens that plague Africa. They use this mode of infection to readily enhance dispersion of their progenies into the environment for infection of the next host. The “selfish” genes of the Ebola virus may have developed a process of virulence extension, which allows the genome to divide longer at the expense of the host.


If this is true, a very simple treatment might be provided by having the patient drink a predefined volume of bowel preparation fluid and electrolytes, to flush out the colon while at the same time receiving hydration fluids.This could be provided with or without non-absorbable antibiotics. The treatment would be similar to the fluid normally given to flush the bowel out prior to colonoscopy, such as polyethylene glycol or sodium phosphate solutions.

The patient would drink this at a predefined time after the onset of fever or upon the onset of diarrhea. This might be effective to flush the bacterial antigens and toxins from the colon before leaking into the blood vessels, mitigating the late Ebola sepsis-like syndrome.


At this point this treatment is still a hypothesis. However, it is possible that strategically timed consumption of mechanical bowel preparation fluid to flush out bacteria and endotoxin from the bowel might mitigate the late Ebola sepsis-like syndrome and provide time for the patient’s antibodies to clear the virus.

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