Aiming to prevent the consequences of premature birth

Today marks世界早产日在这里告诉我们更多的是玛丽·吉亚马里诺(Mary Giammarino),来自迪姆斯基金会(Dimes Foundation)的玛丽·吉亚马里诺(Mary Giammarino),该组织致力于改善母亲和婴儿的健康。

Preterm birth now outranks all other causes as the world’s number one killer of children under age five. Of the estimated 5.9 million deaths of children under five in 2015, complications of preterm birth account for nearly one million deaths.

这些事实已成为数百万人有望参加第五年度的人的集会点世界早产日on November 17.

I started working on prematurity prevention in 2003, when the March of Dimes “called the question”, launched its早产运动, and began urging elected officials and stakeholders to confront the growing problem of premature birth in the United States. Those early years were a challenge.

The public didn’t see premature birth as important. The早产的经济成本尚未量化。没有强大的基于证据的预防机会可以指向。美国以外的问题的程度仍然未知。

Now, 12 years later, a movement is underway, and the centerpiece of it is World Prematurity Day. Pioneering research is taking place in the United States at fivePrematurity Research Centersfunded by the March of Dimes that are working to identify the causes of preterm birth.

The global problem of preterm birth


预防机会已被确定,试验和扩展,包括健康的婴儿值得等待®社区计划,为产前创新模型和interconception care, and质量改进计划专注于早期的选修课,并获得孕酮的预防恢复。

Widespread attention to the global problem of preterm birth has gathered momentum, spurred on by two things. First, the 2012 publication ofBorn Too Soon: The Global Action Report on Premature Birth, authored by the March of Dimes, the World Health Organization, the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health, and Save the Children.

And second, through the work of country-based advocates and their joint efforts worldwide. TheWorld Prematurity Network例如,是由父母团体组成的联盟,其成员呼吁采取行动防止早产并改善对出生早产的婴儿的护理。

Today, millions of people, and hundreds of governmental and non-governmental organizations are addressing prematurity in low-, middle-, and high-income countries. In the prevention arena, the growing focus is on four key factors, abbreviated as the ‘LINC factors: Lifestyle, Infection, Nutrition, and Contraception.

These include quality health care before and during pregnancy, diagnosis and treatment of infections and chronic diseases that increase the risk of preterm birth, birth spacing, and ensuring optimal nutritional status of women before and during pregnancy.

Prevent and improve



基于国家 /地区的团体在全球100多个城市中以紫色灯光(与事业相关的颜色)沐浴着主要的地标和建筑物,并在其社区中进行了教育活动和宣传。

On November 17 2015, at aPrematurity Prevention Conferencein the United States, the March of Dimes will unveil a multi-year plan to attack the problem of preterm birth in U.S. communities with the greatest burden, with the goal of reducing the U.S. preterm birth rate to 5.5% by 2030.

一角三月第八届年度Premature Birth Report Cards根据其早产率与2020年三月的早产率的距离,该年级国家和国家是released本月初,为这项新计划奠定了基础。


Throughout the month of November, television public service ads feature these celebrities who have lent their voices to the cause:

Thalia, Latin Grammy Award‐winning recording artist, who serves as March of Dimes global ambassador, in both英语西班牙语.

Anne Geddes, renowned photographer and volunteer ambassador for the March of Dimes, is featured in aglobal PSA和in a print PSA featuring her iconic image of a premature baby.

厨师Maneet Chauhan, mother of a son born prematurely at 26 weeks, also stars in a全球电视PSA.

席琳·迪翁, international singer, is featured in aglobal PSA在英语和法语和印刷psa中。

Hilary Duff,actress, singer and songwriter, speaks out in amission PSA这在全国范围内运行。



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