Integrated preventive chemotherapy and WASH for intensified schistosomiasis and soil transmitted helminthiasis control

When augmented with interventions such as water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), chemotherapy can have an enduring health impact on the treatment of neglected tropical diseases. Published today in贫穷的传染病,a newstudy分析喀麦隆西南部两个地方性部位的血吸虫病和土壤传播的蠕虫病的流行病学。在这里,本文的一位作者向我们讲述了研究和洗涤基础设施的影响。

中央岛的景色,其在Barombi Kotto湖中的相关村庄
中央岛的景色,其在Barombi Kotto湖中的相关村庄

Preventive chemotherapy (deworming) has a pivotal role in control of certain neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) such as schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis (STH), as a short-term, rapid impact intervention. As these two diseases are strongly associated with poverty, people frequently get re-infected after treatment from their local environment since they have insufficient access to safe water sources or adequate sanitation and hygiene.




With the above in mind, in thisstudy我们的目的是对这些疾病特有的两个领域的血吸虫病和STH流行病学进行详细的情境分析,包括对WASH的评估:Barombi MBO和Barombi Kotto喀麦隆的Barombi Kotto Crater湖泊。

这两个湖泊是重要的torical and parasitological importance, being exemplar locations where seminal integrated control of schistosomiasis was attempted in the 1970s, using a combination of preventive chemotherapy and snail control via mollusciciding.

Subsequently, with the wide-scale administration of praziquantel, treatment has been provided annually to schoolchildren for the past decade. A contemporary situational assessment is therefore important. Our study is one of very few detailed investigations of multiple helminths, using multiple diagnostic techniques, in co-endemic settings, following more than ten years of preventive chemotherapy.

It is highly likely that this WASH infrastructure has been a considerable driver in reducing the helminths to such a low prevalence.

从这一集成的监视中,出现了最有趣的图片。我们发现患病率很低Schistosoma haematobium和Barombi MBO的钩虫。我们没有发现肠道血吸虫病或其他STH。在水生栖息地方面,我们发现了两个蜗牛宿主的数量很少Schistosoma haematobium,Bulinus摄影Bulinus truncatus每个都具有变量变速箱能力。

在Barombi MBO上,已经安装了一个广泛的乡村水基础设施,从受保护的弹簧和重力过滤器到公共支架台管。尽管我们永远不会明确地知道,但考虑到其以前的历史流行性,这种洗涤基础设施很有可能是将蠕虫降低到如此低的流行率的相当低的驱动力。现在,有一个前所未有的机会来推动该社区消除血吸虫病。

在Barombi Kotto,我们发现了截然不同的人类旋转 - 寄生虫动力学,具有较高的蠕虫患病率和强度和不同的宿主蜗牛分布。虽然有些家庭有厕所,但洗涤基础设施通常很差。


This very different population and water access dynamic highlights a critical issue for consideration: given the history of mass drug administration, to push this site towards disease elimination, additional environmental and WASH infrastructure will likely be required, and tailored with local behavioral-related activities.


Environmental strategies will need to be tailored to local differences, as a key enhancement to continuation of large-scale mass drug administration. To do this well, more engagement with critical aspects within the WASH sector is needed.

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