


然而,最近的一些研究表明,以前认为吃乳制品可能对我们不一样好。一种学习上周发表的表明,每天喝三杯或更多杯牛奶可能会联系起来增加骨折风险和瑞典语investigationfound a lower incidence of lung, breast and ovarian cancer in those with乳糖不耐症– people who avoid consuming dairy products – compared with their lactose-tolerant relatives and the general population.

Istock照片最近的证据meta-analysissuggests that overall dairy product intake protects against the development of2型糖尿病但是,已经报道了对比表明,乳制品脂肪脂肪对糖尿病风险的影响。高水平low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol在饮食中是2型糖尿病的危险因素,但最近发现建议,具体类型的饱和脂肪酸 - “奇数链”或“偶数链” - 在确定风险方面可能是重要的。


The relationship between dairy products and type 2 diabetes is indeed complex, and in a学习今天发表BMC医学弗兰克胡and colleagues from Harvard School of Public Health addressed the question of which specific dairy products are linked to diabetes risk. The authors analyzed data from three large cohort studies,HPFSNHSandNHS II荟萃分析,进行了更新。扶持政策l, the authors found no association between total dairy consumption and type 2 diabetes risk. When dairy products were broken down into individual types – including milk, cheese, yogurt (plain and flavored), cream and ice cream – yogurt intake was consistently associated with lower risk of type 2 diabetes. The authors conclude that:





C A Padmanabha Reddy


David Tree-Booker

I feel future trials in this area should include yogurt specificity. Many flavored yogurts have high sugar &/or fat content to improve flavor, hence enhancing their marketing potential.This factor would be important in T2D pathogenesis.


El YougurtseráfirecoIsoPor El Contenido de Lacteos O Por El Contenido de Bacterias?


询问乳制品是否是我们应该或不应该消费是一件好事。我们将牛奶作为其他物种的成年人消耗 - 例如只有两件东西的牛或羊或山羊只有我们的物种可以想到这样做,这可能与环境完全没有与环境相关联

In order to make yogurt or cheese or butter or cream anything you need dairy and still have to milk an animal which isnt a human. I do eat dairy though I am not very keen on it I like some cheeses and I do like milk in some drinks though I can do without aswell. I also do not use butter except with marmite spread on hot toast

I still may rather drink milk or cream to margarine (a completely artificial food known to be bad for you although the difference between butter and different sorts of it and how its made is not always paramount. Though the proper people would in many ways correctly always swear by butter – there is never a complete andwer to everything. Some informed people say certain margarines are as good for you as butters high in salt and other additives. I also would probably have it rather to soy which also is another controversial food that is often GMO and estrogen producing. Some say its better fermented although how they do this and whether this is true is not actually known either as both raw and fermented soy have been consumed in places for a while and have the same effect on health more than one would think. I have also tried soy when it got in my fridge and it tastes like it already has sugar in it. One person put it in a tea and I thought they had sugar in the tea when I sipped it and actually they did not – it was soy. It said on the package unsweetened. Later I drank a small cup of it to try it and I had a sweet sensation on the tip of my tongue getting me to wonder what really is in it
