Regional gains against malaria highlight the need for even more localized data in Uganda

根据乌干达地区的疟疾干预覆盖范围迅速增加new study published in BMC Medicine. Authors Gloria Ikilezi and Allen Roberts link these findings to recent developments in Uganda’s fight against malaria.

自2007年以来,乌干达已经明显增加了疟疾干预措施的机会,并可能推动该国58%疟疾死亡率下降从2000年到2013年。massive malaria outbreak in northern Ugandathis summer, during which government officials reported over 22,000 cases and 160 fatalities in three months, the need for strong, regular monitoring of local malaria trends has become more urgent.

在全国范围内,不到15%的家庭拥有insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) or had their walls sprayed with an insecticide solution (indoor residual spraying [IRS]) in 2005. Six years later,according to a team of researchersfrom Uganda’s Infectious Diseases Research Collaboration (IDRC) and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), coverage rose nearly five-fold, climbing to 59%. Across regions, ITN or IRS coverage ranged from 53% in East Central to a high of 82% in the North in 2011.


Historically, northern areas of Uganda have had the highest rates of malaria transmission in the country (而且经常在世界上). In response, the country and development partners have heavily targeted this region for malaria prevention and treatment efforts.

This focus likely underlies the North’s regional gains in malaria intervention coverage: in 2011, its rates of ITN use (56%), coverage of IRS (56%), and receipt of first-line antimalarials by febrile children under 5 (69%) were the highest in Uganda.

刚刚发布的调查数据显示,2014年北部拥有ITN的94%以上的家庭 - 成功的证据Uganda’s first universal distribution campaign这发生在2013年5月至2014年8月。

So if the North region has made so much progress in scaling up malaria interventions, why did it experience such a devastating outbreak this year?乌干达领导点s to a number of potential factors, including the recent cessation of IRS in some districts and less consistent use of malaria interventions among certain communities.

不幸的是,latter is not rare当国家成功减轻疟疾负担时;随着疟疾的实际风险下降,对风险和持续干预需求的看法也会下降。此外,研究人员表明疟疾经常会随着轮班而复发在控制程序中或缩小规模。

In combination, these regional results and recent developments in Uganda’s fight against malaria point to two main priorities going forward. First, regular monitoring of localized malaria trends is needed to further strengthen responsiveness to outbreaks and intervention needs.

Generating yearly estimates of health outcomes and intervention coverage at the regional level was an important first step in improving subnational benchmarking efforts. Expanded district-level data collection and fine-grained geospatial analyses would help guide more targeted deployment of resources against malaria.

Uganda has achieved large gains against malaria through improving intervention delivery. At the same time, this year’s outbreak in northern Uganda highlights a need for stronger, more focal monitoring of malaria needs.

For instance, amid the recent outbreak,引入了乌干达的国家疟疾控制计划(NMCP)地区一级的疟疾地图以增强当地监视,并启动指南以加强流行病的准备和反应。

Second, identifying the right combinations of malaria interventions – and providing them to the right places and people at the right times – is likely needed to further reduce Uganda’s malaria burden. The country’slatest malaria strategic plan概述了NMCP和开发伙伴的机制,例如总统的疟疾倡议和与艾滋病,结核病和疟疾作斗争的全球基金,以加强各种反对疟疾工具的协调。除ITN和IRS外,乌干达还在考虑进行互补的媒介控制方法,例如improved home construction.

Uganda has achieved large gains against malaria through improving intervention delivery. At the same time, this year’s outbreak in northern Uganda highlights a need for stronger, more focal monitoring of malaria needs.

No magic bullet exists against malaria, nor will a one-size-fits-all solution work to end the disease. But by harnessing local evidence and devising multipronged, targeted programs, Uganda aims to accelerate toward its goal of reaching zero malaria.

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