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三月是National Essential Tremor Awareness Month,一种神经运动障碍,导致手和头部无意的摇动运动。在这个来宾博客中,Ariel Levy和Robert Chen,编辑委员会成员Journal of Clinical Movement Disorders,解释有关该疾病的更多信息。

A slowly progressive disease causing shaking of the hands and head
A slowly progressive disease causing shaking of the hands and head
Wikipedia (CC-BY)


Essential tremor is a slowly progressive disease that causes shaking while assuming static positions (postural tremor) and during movements (action tremor). It affects the arms (90%), head (30%), voice (20%) and occasionally trunk and legs (10-15%).




Although theterm ‘essential’,是在19岁时创造的Thcentury, suggests a benign condition, considerable disability can occur. Tremor can have an impact on eating using a fork or spoon. Drinking a cup of tea or eating soup provides the greatest challenges because the risk of spilling.





A growing body of literature is implicating the cerebellum and its outflow to other parts of the brain such as the thalamus and the cortex. Classically, tremor was considered the only manifestation of essential tremor.

More recently, it has grown to encompass a syndrome including cognitive problems, olfactory problems, hearing problems, balance disorders and abnormal eye movements.

Yet, more recently, it has grown to encompass a syndrome including cognitive problems, olfactory problems, hearing problems, balance disorders and abnormal eye movements. However, the attribution of these various conditions to a possible ‘essential tremor syndrome’ remains controversial.

Is there any treatment available?

药物是治疗的第一步ET. The American Academy of Neurology haspublished treatment guidelines(updated in 2011) and a recent comprehensivereview of the treatments于2015年出版。


Each of these has side effects limiting their use. Propanolol should not be used in people with asthma, athletes (exercise intolerance) and those with heart conduction disease. Primidone can cause depression, drowsiness, cognitive and behavioral problems.

For those in whom medications have been unsuccessful, interventional approaches are considered. The mainstay for decades was thalamotomy but now thalamic deep brain stimulation has supplanted the former.



There has been increased interest in alternative surgical strategies for tremor treatment. Recent studies have assessed treatment with伽玛刀放射外科手术Thalamotomy with some benefit (albeit delayed and requiring multiple treatment cycles).

但是,尚未进行随机试验。另一条研究大道是集中的超声丘脑切开术。最近comparison between deep brain stimulation and focused ultrasoundfound that both are equivalent in terms of disability improvement and quality of life.

There is limited data on the long-term response to treatment. A limitation of these lesion strategies are that only one side can be targeted for treatment, usually the most symptomatic side.


遗传学的进步,包括下一代sequencing, paired with an understanding of the associated features of ‘essential tremor syndrome’ will greatly improve our understanding of essential tremor.



However exciting this therapeutic avenue is, (and personal use devices are readily available to purchase on the internet – with little oversight) it is not ready for primetime.

Essential tremor is far from a benign condition. Greater understanding of the causes of the condition with advanced neuroimaging, physiology, genetics and well defined clinical studies have the potential to discover specific treatments for essential tremor and shake up the field.

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I’ve had ET since I was 12 and it’s progressive, so it’s gotten worse after my late 30’s and more so after I turned 41. One of the treatments not mentioned above or researched at all is high doses of vitamin D (5000-8000 IU/day). It’s about 30% more effective than propanolol and without the side effects. It’s staggering just how much better my tremor gets and how long this treatment lasts compared to other prescription drugs. I have no idea why this works but someone needs to look into it.

frank long

Have had ET for 20 years, with progessive head and hand (both) tremors. Recently discovered I can reduce hand tremors by initiating a movment, then shifting my focus and attention away while my hand completes the movement. Example: Ordinarily, to type, I focus on a letter, hover a trembling finger over the letter, then tense my finger and force it to press down. Now, to type, say, ABCDE, I start a finger toward A, then shift my eyes and attention toward B while pressing A …and so on. Takes some practice, but have increased my typing speed at least four-fold.
Best wishes to all.
弗兰克·朗(Frank Long),俄勒冈州

Cynthia Volkmann

Are there any tools to help people who have essential tremors to type with accuracy?


The above article has a link to various adapted keyboards and tools for those with tremor.

Janis Gewartowski


Lora Ruddick

I definitely have essential tremor. The problem is that I am 79 years old and I’m not sure I can get into any clinical trials. I guarantee you that my quality of life is not good at all and I’ve tried everything that I know of that I can try. The neurologists have no idea what to do. My father had it and my children have it, so it is definitely hereditary. If you can give me any information or help in any way, it would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Davy Falkner

Dear Lora, although we post blogs on medical topics we do not give medical advice so unfortunately cannot offer assistance in this instance.

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