内分泌学的下一步是什么?Update fromBMC Medicine在Endo 2016

最近,波士顿欢迎来自世界各地的9,000多名代表ENDO 2016。Here, theBMC Medicineteam highlight some of the most innovative developments discussed at the meeting.

Many endocrinologists mark the annual ENDO meeting as a ‘must-attend’ event. However, given the broad effects of the endocrine system on the body, it also attracts basic scientists and clinical researchers working on anything from bone health, cancer, to lifestyle and environmental effects.

This year’s 98th内分泌学会的年度会议比平时更为特别,因为Society’s Centennial Celebration。在上个世纪,在内分泌学领域取得了很多进展。许多关键发现, which have been awarded the Nobel Prize (including insulin discovery).

However, much remains to be understood about this complex and intricate system,as well as clinical practice;因此,会议还集中在一些令人兴奋的新发展和技术上。

Future of diabetes therapy: stem cells, new insulins and the bionic pancreas

In the last few years, stem cell research and therapy have advanced rapidly, including studies on the Stem Cell Educator demonstrating its potential in treatingtype 12型糖尿病。


在Endo总统全体会议上道格拉斯·梅尔顿(Douglas Melton)described recent work on development of insulin-producing human pancreatic beta cells.

他的小组在过去十年中度过了developing a safe way to obtain such cells using a single agent, bone morphogenetic protein-7,似乎也有对胰岛素抵抗的有益影响。剩余的挑战包括从这些细胞中开发胰岛,并成功将其移植到1型糖尿病患者中。

由于胰岛素给药仍然存在the mainstay of therapy for type 1 and many type 2 diabetics,许多会议讨论了该领域的进步。

Chantal Mathieu概述了临床实践中新型胰岛素类似物的概述,并强调了实现最佳治疗的主要挑战,例如:患者内变异性,晚期发作和短期胰岛素。此外,生理胰岛素特征的相似度不足要求患者保持严格的日常时间表和胰岛素给药。

为了使糖尿病管理更容易探索一些新想法,例如concentrated insulins,联合疗法,智能胰岛素补丁和oral insulins. In recent years, there has also been an explosion in smartphone apps allowing management of diseases, such as diabetes. But these are not without limitations, as highlighted in a recentsystematic assessment of insulin dose calculator apps

Thebihormonal bionic pancreasthough takes this field to the next level.Edward DamianoSteven Russell描述了bionic胰腺如何通过自动做出每五分钟的胰岛素和胰高血糖素给药来实现血糖控制。第一次试验是在2013年进行的the most recent trial, assessing home use很快就会出版。

iPhone-based part of the
基于iPhone的“ bionic胰腺”的一部分,它可以监视葡萄糖水平并与胰岛素和胰高血糖素泵进行通信,从而自动将激素剂量为血液
Flickr - Intel Free Press


在另一个鼓舞人心的会议中Teresa Woodruffgave an overview on ‘oncofertility’ – i.e. the intimate partnership between oncology care and fertility care. This is particularly important for pediatric and adolescent cancer patients facing a future of infertility as a result of cancer therapy. To address this need, Woodruff explained that recent work has involved bioengineering the human ovary.

Placing ovarian tissue strips into the preserving solution
Placing ovarian tissue strips into the preserving solution
匈牙利Wikipedia的Wzsuzsanna3 -Vereczkey Attila博士

Previous studies have focused重建女性生殖道和successful live births in a mouse infertility model, after原始卵泡的移植。A key component in successful fertility treatment is also in being able to identify a ‘good egg’.

托马斯·奥·哈洛兰(Thomas O’Hallorans Group)的一些进一步令人兴奋的工作发现zinc is taken up during fertilization,这可以是质量的潜在生物标志物of a mouse embryo. Woodruff emphasized that by 2036, oncofertility and designer ovarian bioprosthetics should be fully developed areas of treatment.


In ametabolomicsfocused session,克里斯托弗·B·纽格德(Christopher B. Newgard)talked about the complexinterplay between lipids and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)有助于胰岛素抵抗和转化为2型糖尿病。治疗方法的承诺在于BCAA对饮食变化有反应,integrated metabolomics and transcriptomicsstudies to help understand the precise mechanisms.


Use of genetic testing in clinical practice revolves around deciding which patients may benefit from it and in identifying clinically applicable diagnostic and prognostic molecular markers.

例如,史蒂文·保罗·霍达克(Steven Paul Hodak)Bryan McIver专门研究甲状腺结节,可能remain benign for many years即使特定于恶性肿瘤RAS-oncogene is present, suggesting that clinical decisions require more tests.

那么未来会有什么?作为Mark Goodarzi在他关于遗传学最新进展的概述中解释的,这要归功于生物信息学和项目ENCODE,我们是遗传发现加速功能表征的风口。此外,如果可以利用开源数据的力量,则药物开发时间表可能会大大减少。

作为a general medical journal publishing influential research in all areas of clinical practice and translational medicine,BMC Medicine总是有兴趣收到原始研究提交的内容,以解决所有这些主题中一些最激动人心的发展。为什么不考虑我们的下一篇突破性研究论文?


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