
From 1-5 July 2018, Melbourne hosted the inauguralMalaria World Congress,,,,welcoming delegates from 66 countries.BMC Medicine关于社区驱动方法的重要性,消除疟疾的资金以及针对特定当地需求的干预措施,与其中四位代表进行了交谈。




Traditional scientific conferences are notoriously insular, with the abundance of jargon often preventing those from non-research backgrounds entering the discussion. For many basic scientists, this was the first time we had been exposed to the ideas of the end user: what do people living in malaria endemic regions want and need? How can we improve access to basic life-saving interventions? What happens when diagnostic tests and drugs fail? Throughout the conference, scientists were exposed to ideas that put people at the center.

国会传出的一个响亮的信息是,在决策者中,受影响的社区成员的声音已被忽略或闻所未闻。However, capacity building and community-driven approaches to malaria control and elimination will be absolutely critical for success. To address this gap, a new civil society initiative, theCivil Society for Malaria Elimination(CS4ME)立即在国会前成立,目的是在与疟疾的斗争中引入董事会公民社会和其他利益集团。


The Congress encouraged participants to consider malaria elimination in the broader context of global health, health security, health systems strengthening, theSustainable Development Goalsand Universal Health Carein some contexts where frontline healthcare workers solely provide malaria-related services, declining malaria incidence can translate to a decline in malaria testing, as communities no longer perceive malaria as a risk. However, testing rates may improve when additional health services are offered by healthcare workers, thus sustaining the momentum of malaria elimination measures.

消除疟疾的资金是一个主要的讨论点,Dr Rima Shretta(APLMA和UCSF)以及其他人强调了要消除疟疾的强大投资案例。智囊团政策治疗研究的分析表明,美国政府和美国的法案和梅琳达·盖茨基金会为疟疾研究和发展提供了全部资金的一半以上,但一些发言人呼吁疟疾中流疫情国家本身提出更大的财务承诺。



为了消除全球疟疾,至关重要的是,我们适应干预措施以适应当地的需求和挑战。Dr Corine Karema(瑞士热带和公共卫生学院,Rwanda) highlighted how heterogeneity within a single country calls for varying responses and differences in allocation of resources for optimal outcomes. In the Asia Pacific, relapsingP. vivax和人畜共患病P. knowlesiprovide additional challenges and call for specific approaches. It was widely acknowledged that the “the last mile” to malaria elimination will be the most difficult.


Sir Richard Feachem(UCSF)令人信服地说,承诺很重要,我们不应该在提交之前等待工具。如果我们提交,工具将会到来。我们必须考虑创造性的新想法,倾听但采取行动,并更有效地消除这种疾病。您可以阅读声明here

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