
In a blog for世界癌日,莎拉·怀尔丁(Sarah Wilding),马克·康纳(Mark Conner)和达里尔·奥康纳(Daryl O’Connor)讨论他们的学习旨在增加约克郡宫颈癌筛查的吸收,并在ISRCTN注册表

每年,英国约有3200名妇女被诊断出患有宫颈癌 -每天只有8个女性。这也是全世界女性中第四个最常见的癌症,也是35岁以下女性中最常见的癌症。




Even though screening is one of the best ways to stop cervical cancer from developing, the percentage of people attending screening is decreasing year on year. The most recent statistics suggest that每10个大约7个在被邀请筛查的个人中,实际上继续参加。来自贫困地区的妇女以及来自少数民族背景的妇女不太可能进行筛查。

Reasons for not attending screening

有很多事情可以阻碍宫颈癌筛查。没有足够的时间去筛查,并且认为它会很痛苦,不舒服或尴尬most commonly reported barriers



我们的学习,,,,which is funded by Yorkshire Cancer Research, focuses on just under 15,000 women from Yorkshire, Humber and the Northeast of England who were invited to attend cervical cancer screening in December 2021. We used the cervical screening service to mail out some extra materials to these women and will look at whether receiving these makes women more likely to make an appointment for screening up until April 2022.


研究表明,如果人们可以发现可能阻止他们筛选的情况,然后将它们与解决方案联系起来以克服这些问题,那么它们就更有可能to go for screening。Part of our intervention involves sending a screening plan for some participants to complete. The screening plan provides set situations and solutions which we’ve developed based on past research to help participants work out which are most relevant for them (e.g., “When I receive my cervical cancer screening letter, I will think about the benefits of getting screened”).

研究还表明,人们倾向于下timate how many people like them go for screening, and this can put them off attending. Providing more accurate information (e.g., that over 70% of women go for screening) may encourage more women to make an appointment to get screened.

We最近测试了肠癌筛查中的这两种干预措施and found that combining the information about how many other people go for screening with the screening plan increased the likelihood of people aged 60-64 completing their screening test kit.



We’ve worked with the cervical screening service to send out the materials and will be using data from them to see how our interventions have impacted screening uptake. We’ll also be looking to see whether there are any differences in our intervention effectiveness in younger versus older women and in higher and lower-income areas.

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