An interview with Heino Stöver on the European Joint Action’s work on infectious diseases in prisons

The艾滋病毒和联合感染预防和减少伤害的联合行动(HA-RECT)解决了注射药物(PWID)的人中预防HIV和包括结核病(TB)和病毒肝炎在内的预防HIV和共同感染的知识差距。该项目主要由欧盟资助,并由18个成员国的23个合作伙伴实施。还有14个其他合作伙伴,包括European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control(ECDC) and theEuropean Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction(EMCDDA)。


联合行动计划elimina作出贡献tion of HIV and reductions of TB and viral hepatitis among PWID in the EU by 2020 and focuses on member states with gaps in effective and evidence-informed interventions. The project also encourages the implementation of comprehensive harm reduction programs in all EU member states as an essential strategy for improving the prevention and treatment of HIV, TB and viral hepatitis.

Here’s my interview with Prof Heino Stöver, steering committee member ofha-ther, work package lead for “harm reduction and continuity of care in prisons,” and professor of social scientific addiction research at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.




How do you see your role as lead on the “Harm reduction & continuity of care in prisons” work of the Joint Action?



Why focus on HIV, TB and viral hepatitis in Europe?



What can we expect as a result of the work of HA-REACT?



Over the next 3 years we hope to increase awareness of the situation of vulnerable people in prisons and of the necessity to deliver quality healthcare in prisons equivalent to the level delivered in the non-prison community. There are many barriers to be overcome in reaching this goal. However, there are also a number of good examples where harm reduction measures and more generally good health care services are working well. We will use HA-REACT to achieve cohesive European improvement.


Lancetseries from July 2016:艾滋病毒和囚犯的相关感染

Press release:The Lancet: Mass imprisonment of drug users driving global epidemics of HIV, hepatitis, and tuberculosis

提供减少损害和药物治疗服务中的拘留环境 - 欧洲访问研究的发现

以监狱为基础的针头和注射器计划(PNSP) - 这些年来,仍然存在极大的争议


法兰克福应用科学大学Institute of Addiction Research

German organisation working on national harm reduction for drug users:Akzept e.V.


Hepatology, Medicine and Policyis now accepting submissions on this and related issues. For more information,

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Ludmila Lucia Mihailescu

We are hypocrites,
From the 90’s when I joined the Romanian prisons, I heard only about the relationship between prisons and public health, in various forms: as prisons concentrates infectious diseases, they are a favorable background for the spread of infectious diseases, that they are a epidemiological health pump outside the walls, they are even an epidemiological bomb (about TB and MDR-TB in prisons in some former Soviet countries).

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