ILC2017上的消除 - 使我的双重!(浓缩咖啡,就是)

该博客由Jeffrey Lazarus和Kelly Safreed-Harmon合着,讨论了Easl国际肝脏国会大会上突出的一些公共卫生问题。

周日版的纽约时报often includes a short feature in which a prominent person is asked to describe how he or she likes to spend an idle Sunday. Common activities are brunch, museums, outdoor activities, etc.

This came to mind yesterday as we watched more than 160 people gather for one of the final sessions of the fifty-second International Liver Congress (ILC). Whoever would have expected so many prominent people to pass on a leisurely Sunday morning in Amsterdam, after four long days of events, in favor of an 8.30 a.m. gathering titled “Elimination of hepatitis B and C in the EU: challenges and opportunities”?


本届会议仅代表了许多方式之一European Association for the Study of the Liver(EASL)有助于培养对公共的对话health dimensions of viral hepatitis at this year’s ILC. (Disclosure: the first author is a board member of EASL’s recently launched国际肝基金会。)

For us, one of the highlights of the conference was a 19 April workshop jointly convened by EASL and theInternational Network on Hepatitis in Substance Users(inhsu)。广泛的参与者讨论了从多个角度注射药物(PWID)的人中消除丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)的努力。该事件强调了直接作用抗病毒(DAA)治疗方案的巨大潜力,以降低PWID的HCV患病率和发病率,以及必须克服的程序,政治和结构性障碍,这些障碍必须被克服才能在实地上取得真正的进步。



Multidisciplinary approaches to liver disease were prominent at this ILC. We mean this both in the sense that the programme brought hepatologists and other types of physicians into dialogue about multidisciplinary clinical care, and also in the sense that it provided physicians and other experts with valuable opportunities to learn from each other.

It is exciting to see public health perspectives thoughtfully integrated into such a prestigious biomedical conference. And we applaud the ILC’s organisers for recognising that non-biomedical experts include not only a range of health service providers and public health practitioners but also liver patients.

来自肝脏患者群体的代表带来了我们其他人需要听到的观点。Tatjana Reic,,,,President of the欧洲肝脏患者协会,在欧盟HBV/HCV消除的周日早晨活动中恰当地证明了这一点。她在演讲中说,与其称PWID为“难以触及的人口”,为什么不称他们为“易于尊贵的”人群呢?




