
低收入和中等收入国家(LMICs)孔蒂nue to face health challenges from infectious disease, they are concurrently challenged by the rising burden of non-communicable diseases including cancer. TheInternational Agency for Research on Cancer(IARC) estimates that by 2030, the annual number of new cancer cases worldwide will exceed 21 million and the number of cancer deaths will reach 13 million. TheWorld Health Organization(WHO)估计所有癌症死亡中有70%发生在LMIC中。世界上许多国家的经济学变化意味着饮食和行为因素的变化,其中一些与癌症风险增加有关。

根据世卫组织,所有癌症死亡中多达30%归因于饮食因素,缺乏体育锻炼以及烟草和酒精的使用。此外,较不发达国家中有20%以上的癌症直接归因于感染因子,例如爱泼斯坦 - 巴尔,人乳头瘤病毒和丙型肝炎病毒以及幽门螺杆菌细菌。在撒哈拉以南非洲,与感染有关的癌症的比例特别高,为32.7%。这些数字提供了一个令人信服的理由,以探讨增强LMIC中癌症预防和控制能力的成功策略。这种增强的能力包括战略合作伙伴关系,训练有素的专业人员,适当的技术,卫生系统和可持续资金。

Defined models of collaborative partnerships between a combination of low-, middle- and upper -income country cancer centers may provide a roadmap for improving cancer prevention and control capacity in low-resource settings. The challenges posed by the rising burden of cancer in Africa for instance, has already begun to influence new partnerships and expand previously existing partnerships between institutions globally. Such partnerships can be highly catalytic in enhancing a local center’s ability to deliver cancer care. Easily available data on resources, capacities, priorities and challenges and uniqueness of local centers in LMICs that prevent, diagnose, treat and manage cancers is needed to stimulate further development of successful partnerships. While some collaborations between institutions in high-resource countries and cancer centers, hospitals and universities in lower-resource settings continue to be built and sustained based upon prior historical relationships and/or extension of such partnerships from one disease setting (for example HIV) to cancer, there are likely other equally viable cancer center partners that could benefit from less obvious partnerships. Health systems within LMICs are also burdened by both a critical shortage of health workforce and access to locally-available specialized training that is required for optimal multidisciplinary management of cancer patients. Some of this capacity might be developed more optimally by partnerships between low- and middle-income countries.

为了提供有关成功的癌症中心的信息和课程,以及更广泛可用的LMIC癌症的管理,并帮助重新努力建立合作伙伴关系并为寻求复制成功模型的人提供重要信息,传染性药物和癌症is launching a new section, edited byEdward L. TrimbleKishor Bhatiaentitled “Cancer Centers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries”. We would like to invite you to submit your research or commentary article to the section. The section will provide a platform to showcase detailed features of institutes from LMICs including; activities and resources for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and palliative care (available facilities, health care worker resources, outreach programs, collaborations, research projects, oncology-related training facilities, etc.); funding support from local government, foundations, or privately borne by patients; key features of the cancer center and its partnerships that contribute to its success; challenges, both universal and setting-specific, and how they are addressed; policy and practice implications including discussion of what could be adapted by others, what gaps need to be addressed, and what differences might arise in other settings.

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