Unifying all of Europe in clinical trial participation: the ECRAN project

A recentpublication in试验details the development of the European Communication on Research Awareness Needs (ECRAN)项目,旨在提高欧洲临床试验的公众知识。在这里,保罗·莫斯科尼(Paola Mosconi)回答了有关该项目的问题,以及如何增加参与越过欧洲边界的临床试验的参与。

PaolaMosconiPaola Mosconi is a biological scientist with a post-doctoral degree in Pharmacological Research. She is involved in projects pertaining the involvement of lay people and their representativeness in health care aspects and outcome research.

Last month, Paola Mosconi and colleaguespublished in试验a report on the development of the European Communication on Research Awareness Needs (ECRAN) project and here, she answers our questions.


TheEcran项目was designed to support the strategy of the European Commission to fund independent, investigator-driven, multinational clinical trials.

Randomized clinical trials are the basis of evidence-based medicine; nevertheless, general populations do not have enough knowledge and awareness about the importance of this method. With increased knowledge and awareness, we can increase engagement in the research.


Why was it important to include representatives from all stakeholders – clinicians, methodologists, researchers, patients, and science communications experts?

Clinical research is a team game, which must take advantage of multidisciplinary perspectives. In the ECRAN consortium, all stakeholders were represented and provided their insights as the project progressed and during the development of the tools and materials.

In particular, two ECRAN partners were lay representatives from theConsumer Cochrane Network和来自European AIDS Treatment Group:他们的经验为开发高质量但易于使用和简单工具提供了独特的观点。

What were the main aims for the ECRAN project?


Before the ECRAN project began, what was missing was a shared package of information and tools for the general population and patients.

Before the ECRAN project began, what was missing was a shared package of information and tools for the general population and patients.

The objective of the ECRAN project was to develop a portfolio of valuable and accessible educational resources to communicate key messages to the general public, as well as healthcare professionals, researchers, policymakers and journalists.






教育游戏 - Ecran Lab和Ecran迷宫,以吸引欧洲公民和学生的兴趣 - 以及在线收集所有通讯材料和工具,旨在将临床试验的重要性传达给公众。

It is very important to underline the multinational and multilingual dimension of the ECRAN project.



The letter proposes the introduction to clinical research as part of school curriculum for all European pupils for three consecutive years around the ages of 14, 15, and 16 years. For more details see这里.


该项目的一些合作伙伴也参与了工作包的开发,作为该项目的一部分Corbel project(COordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science Services), which aims to develop a template for informative clinical trial material and includes the ECRAN tools.

正如我们在我们的中报道的那样,确保现在可用的Ecran工具的传播和实施非常重要open letter, “A well prepared European population will make the population more open to clinical research through understanding the necessities and complexities of clinical research”.

Using these tools within current research could be an aim of a future European project.

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