

International Clinical Trials Day is celebrated annually on the 20Th五月纪念詹姆斯·林德(James Lind)的首届研究这Salisbury1747年,记录了有史以来的第一次临床试验。

詹姆斯·林德图书馆(https://www.jameslindlibrary.org/lind-j-1753/)版权所有信息:Creative Commons Attribution 4.0国际许可证

林德(Lind)观察到,英国舰队坏血病造成的死亡人数比法国和西班牙舰队的总和多。他假设在法国和西班牙舰队上可用的柑橘类水果正在降低其风险。1747年5月20日,林德(Lind)吸引了12名英国水手,并测试了这些水果是否会减轻其坏血病的症状(结论 - 确实如此)。

自詹姆斯·林德(James Lind)时代以来的过去270年中,临床试验已经发展到一个令人兴奋的地方(有关临床试验的最新发展,请参见International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference/Society of Clinical Trials 2017 Conference Abstracts published viaTrials)。

推动更高的透明度和可重复性,已经非常重视临床试验报告。We’ve seen some great milestones over the last 20 years but where is the field going next?


Combining配偶或其他报告指南以及机器学习/人工智能正在为临床试验出版物的机会打开机会。例如,published inBMC Medicine,,,,Caroline Barnes and colleagues developed an online writing aid tool that combines CONSORT and its extensions to help authors when writing randomized controlled trial reports.


配偶也在同行评审过程中使用,,,,integrated into text mining software to automate some aspects of the peer review process and assess completeness of clinical trial reporting (a pilot to assess this software is currently underway). Other studies have shown that基于报告指南的其他评论help improve manuscript quality.

A full outline from the CONSORT Group on what key stakeholders could do to support better trial reporting was also posted today to celebrate Clinical Trials Day, and can be foundhere。我敢肯定,您会同意,这些发展对该领域具有很多希望。

从注册到研究方案和统计分析计划出版物,主要结果和次要分析,以及与临床试验一起研究,支持临床试验的完整和透明出版物记录在该领域变得越来越普遍。如何进行有效的临床试验(有关更多信息,请参见此信息Trial Forge paper inTrials)。

通过一项生产大量出版物的一项试验,确定所有相关文章变得越来越困难,并导致了临床试验报告中的另一个主要里程碑。链接的临床试验或“螺纹出版物”((first coined by Doug Altman). Via the trial registration number (a unique identifier for any clinical trial), it’s now possible to link all publications across different publishers within the CrossRef metadata.



可重复性危机has bought many of the issues with science to the forefront of our attentions, and with recent estimates that85%的研究浪费了明确需要更改。临床试验的许多下一步将使这些问题纳入其中。

对于临床试验报告,下一件大事之一将涉及数据共享。2016年1月,国际医学杂志编辑委员会(ICMJE)宣布a proposal for sharing clinical trial data,calling for feedback from all stakeholders (similar to the trial registration call back in 2004 – Question 1 in the Clinical Trials Day Quiz). They were inundated with responses (including ours from金博宝网站)一年后,我们仍在等待下一份草案,表明数据共享的复杂性。我预测有关如何最好地进行的辩论将非常热。



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